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Icar se lanseaza in zbor de la Castelul Cantacuzino

in cadrul unei expozitii de sculptura semnata de Giorgio Butini


Vineri, 11.08.2023, Busteni – Incepand de duminica, 13 august 2023, galeria de arta a Castelului Cantacuzino inaugureaza noua sa expozitie. Proiectul artistic, intitulat „Giorgio Butini.Il mito”, este o premiera pentru artistul florentin in Romania si exploreaza limitele dintre realitate si mit prin sculpturi, precum si schite si alte lucrari grafice. Intreaga expozitie este construita in jurul unei sculpturi monumentale din marmura, de peste doi metri inaltime, care infatiseaza mitul zborului lui Icar, creata special pentru Castelul Cantacuzino. Expozitia va fi deschisa publicului in fiecare zi, pana pe 29 octombrie 2023.

Giorgio Butini este un artist italian, nascut in Florenta, cu vasta experienta in arte vizuale, sculptura, desen, pictura si orfevrarie, precum si in domeniul ceramicii si artelor decorative. Artistul este, totodata, specializat in restaurarea de picturi, fresce si materiale din piatra. Butini a urmat, de asemenea, studii aprofundate ale anatomiei corpului uman. A castigat sapte premii semnificative, precum Premiul II la Bienala de la Venetia in 1997, Premiul pentru lucrarea „Visele”, expusa la a sasea editie a Bienalei Internationale de Arta de la Beijing, China, in 2015 si, in 2022, Premiul International al Orasului Troina, ca parte a sectiunii de sculptura, unde s-a clasat drept cel mai bun sculptor contemporan.

„Arta este un mod de viata pentru mine si imprumut in ea expresia celor mai profunde sentimente. Acesta este modul in care multe dintre lucrarile mele ce reprezinta stari si ganduri si-au gasit o voce si au fost aduse la viata. Constrangerile pe care le suferim, pierderea valorilor din jurul nostru, dificultatea de a intelege si de a exprima nevoile noastre cele mai profunde, inseamna adesea ca suntem nemultumiti de viata noastra, inchisi in forme care ne forteaza pe cai prestabilite, pe care altii le-au decis pentru noi”, a declarat Giorgio Butini.

Maestrul Butini a realizat numeroase lucrari publice, printre care „Suprematia”, o sculptura din bronz si argint, aflata la Muzeul Palatului Quirinal din Roma, oferita in dar presedintelui Republicii Italiene in 2010, „Moarte, Inviere si Duhul Sfant”, un crucifix de bronz daruit Papei Benedict al XVI-lea in 2007 si prezent in Muzeul Vaticanului, Roma, precum si „Arcul pacii”, lucrare inaugurata la Biserica Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi, Florenta, in mai 2023. Cea din urma reprezinta viziunea artistului Giorgio Butini despre pace si va fi expusa permanent la sediul Comisiei Europene de la Bruxelles.

Pentru Castelul Cantacuzino, maestrul Butini a realizat doua sculpturi inspirate din mitologia greaca, citand, astfel, tema expozitiei. Prima este o sculptura monumentala din marmura de Carrara, infatisand zborul lui Icar, situata in parcul de sculptura al castelului, indreptata catre masivul Bucegi. Masoara 2,55 metri inaltime, iar aripile sale ofera o deschidere de 390 de centimetri, facandu-o, astfel, singura statuie de marmura a lui Icar din lume de asemenea anvergura. A doua sculptura, realizata din bronz si situata in interiorul castelului, o infatiseaza pe Artemis, zeita animalelor salbatice, vanatorii si vegetatiei.

In cadrul expozitiei, vizitatorii vor putea admira alte douazeci si cinci de sculpturi realizate din marmura alba, bronz, ardezie sau acril, reprezentand zeitati, dar si cateva lucrari dedicate valorilor sau conceptelor abstracte, precum renasterea spirituala, autoritatea, libertatea, suprematia etc.

Expozitia „Giorgio Buitni.Il mito” este organizata de Castelul Cantacuzino si Original Media, sub egida Ambasadei Italiei la Bucuresti si a Institutului Italian de Cultura din Romania.

Logistica expozitiei a fost realizata cu sprijinul Volvo Trucks si KSC Transport, partenerii proiectului pentru transportul in siguranta al colectiei de la Florenta la Busteni. Mai mult, transportul s-a realizat cu grija pentru mediul inconjurator, intrucat sculpturile au tranzitat teritoriul Romaniei in ceea ce a constituit, probabil, primul transport de opere de arta cu zero emisii de CO2 din tara, cu ajutorul unui camion electric pentru distante lungi, Volvo FH Electric.

Mai multe detalii despre expozitie sunt disponibile online, pe Biletele pot fi achizitionate direct de la intrare. Pentru rezervari de grup (minimum 20 de persoane), va rugam sa sunati la +40 244 320 520.

Parteneri principali: Volvo Trucks, KSC Transport, Museo Leonardo da Vinci, Original Media, Niccolai Elio, Emarket Solutions, Restaurant Canta Cuisine

Parteneri media: Agerpres, Radio Romania Cultural, Radio Romania International,, Nine O’Clock, Ziarul News,,

Castelul Cantacuzino din Busteni a fost construit in 1911, la cererea printului Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino, supranumit “Nababu’”, servind drept locuinta de vara pentru familia nobilului si fiind la inaugurarea sa una dintre cele mai moderne constructii din Europa.

In 2010, monumentul devenit istoric si aflat in proprietate privata a fost deschis pentru prima oara spre vizitare, cu scopul de a oferi tuturor doritorilor sansa de a admira o parte din mostenirea Nababului. De atunci, a devenit unul dintre cele mai importante obiective culturale si turistice de pe Valea Prahovei.

In 2015, a fost inaugurata Galeria de Arta a Castelului Cantacuzino, iar prima expozitie i-a fost dedicata pictorului spaniol Salvador Dali. Au urmat expozitii cu lucrari grafice ale artistilor Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, dar si expozitii de arta contemporana cu lucrari ale artistilor Andrei Gamart, Nadine Kseibi, Mirela Iordache, ale Societatii Artistilor Figurativi din Romania, precum si o mare expozitie de sculptura care a celebrat Centenarul Marii Uniri, aducand impreuna 100 de sculptori romani. Acestor expozitii periodice au urmat multe asemenea, in incercarea de a delecta vizitatorii cu opere artistice de rang international.

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Icarus flies from Cantacuzino Castle

as part of a sculpture exhibition by Giorgio Butini

Friday, 11.08.2023, Bușteni – Starting on Sunday, 13th August 2023, Cantacuzino Castle’s art gallery inaugurates its new exhibition. The artistic project, called “Giorgio Butini.Il mito”, is a premiere for the Florentine artist in Romania and explores the lines between reality and myth through sculptures, as well as sketches and other graphic works. The entire exhibition is built around an over two metres high marble monumental sculpture, depicting the myth of Icarus’ flight, created especially for Cantacuzino Castle. The exhibition will be open for the public every day, until 29th October 2023.

Giorgio Butini is an Italian artist, born in Florence, with extensive experience in visual arts, sculpture, drawing, painting and goldsmith's art, as well as in the field of ceramics and decorative arts, while specialising in the restoration of paintings, frescoes and stone materials. Giorgio has followed, also, in-depth studies of the human body anatomy. He has won seven significant awards, such as the Second Prize at the Venice Biennale in 1997, the Prize for the work "Dreams", exhibited at the 6th Beijing International Art Biennale, China, in 2015 and, in 2022, the International Prize City of Troina, as part of the sculpture section, where he classified as best contemporary sculptor.

“Art is way of life for me and I lend the expression of my deepest feelings into it. That is how many of my works that represent moods and thoughts have found a voice and been brought to life. The constraints that we suffer, the loss of values in our surroundings, the difficulty in understanding and voicing our deepest needs, often mean we are dissatisfied with our lives, imprisoned in moulds that force us along pre-set paths that others have decided for us”, said Giorgio Butini.

Master Butini has created numerous public works, among which “Supremacy”, a bronze and silver sculpture at the Museum of the Quirinal Palace in Rome, created as a gift to the President of the Italian Republic in 2010, “Death, Resurrection and Holy Spirit”, a bronze crucifix gifted to Pope Benedict XVI in 2007 and present in the Vatican Museum, Rome, as well as “Arco della pace”, inaugurated at Chiesa Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi, Florence, in May, 2023. The latter represents Giorgio Butini's vision of peace and will be permanently exhibited at the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels.

For Cantacuzino Castle, master Butini has created two sculptures inspired by the Greek mythology, thus citing the exhibition’s theme. The first one is a monumental sculpture in Carrara marble, depicting the flight of Icarus, located in the castle’s sculpture park and facing the Bucegi mountains. It measures 2.55 metres in height and the wings offer a 390 centimetres aperture, thus making it the only marble statue of Icarus in the world of such scale. The second one, made out of bronze and located inside the castle, is showing Artemis, the goddess of wild animals, hunt and vegetation.

In the exhibition, visitors will be able to admire other 25 sculptures made from white marble, bronze, bronzelight, slate or acrylic, representing deities, but also some works dedicated to abstract values ​​or concepts, such as spiritual rebirth, authority, freedom, supremacy etc.

The exhibition “Giorgio Buitni.Il mito” is organised by Cantacuzino Castle and Original Media, under the auspices of the Italian Embassy in Bucharest and the Italian Culture Institute in Romania.

The exhibition logistics has been done with the support of Volvo Trucks and KSC Transport, the project’spartners for safely transporting the collection from Florence to Bușteni. Furthermore, the transportation has been done with care for the environment, as the sculptures have been driven on Romanian territory in what may have, probably, been the first zero CO2 emissions transportation of artworks in the country, with an electric truck for long distances, Volvo FH Electric.

More details about the exhibition can be found online at Tickets can be purchased directly from the entrance. For group bookings (minimum 20 people), please call +40 244 320 520.

Main partners: Volvo Trucks, KSC Transport, Museo Leonardo da Vinci, Original Media, Niccolai Elio, Emarket Solutions, Restaurant Canta Cuisine

Media partners: Agerpres, Radio Romania Cultural, Radio România Internațional,, Nine O’Clock, Ziarul News,,

Cantacuzino Castle in Busteni was built in 1911, at the request of Prince Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino, nicknamed "the Nabob", serving as a summer residence for the nobleman's family and being one of the most modern buildings in Europe at its inauguration.

In 2010, the monument, which has become historic and is privately owned, was opened for the first time to visit, with the aim of offering the chance to see it to all those who wish to admire a part of the Nabob's legacy. Since then, it has become one of the most important cultural and touristic objectives in Prahova Valley.

In 2015, the Cantacuzino Castle Art Gallery was inaugurated, and the first exhibition was dedicated to the Spanish painter Salvador Dali. This was followed by exhibitions with graphic works by the artists Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, but also contemporary art exhibitions with works by local artists, including a sculpture exhibition on the occasion of the Centenary of the Great Union, which brought together 100 Romanian sculptors. These periodical exhibitions were followed by many others, in an attempt to delight the visitors with artistic works of international level.

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